Thursday, October 27, 2011

Field trips,birthday, a fever, green beans and a cow

Emily had a school field trip to Mission Bay and Torrey Pines beach this week. They made kites to fly at the bay and checked out some marine birds and such at the beach. Amber's class walked to a local pumpkin patch/carnival near the school. She brought home a little pie pumpkin that she will decorate with a sharpie then cook into a pie!

The kids are talking about what they will be for Halloween. Kyle, Emily, Sarah and Steve are going to a Halloween/birthday party on Saturday that they will dress up for so they get a dress rehearsal with their costume choices!

Tyler is sick with a fever today. He has had a little cold and tends to get big fevers no matter how little the ill is. Hopefully he will be well in time to have some Halloween fun. He doesn't got to school on Monday or Friday, as part of our part-time home schooling program at Innovations Academy so he wont be at school on Halloween. He is welcome to attend the celebration but with all his food allergies, we are going to pass.

Sarah made Jacob quite the cake for his 17th birthday! Then we had Aunt Melissa, Cousin Savannah, Grandma and Grandpa Iwig over for cake and presents! 

Aunt Melissa is also who we got the other freezer from, as well as a few window  a/c units! Thank You!!  This means I can go ahead with ordering the fresh beef. The cow we are buying 1/2 of went to market on Tuesday so it will be a week or so before we get the meat. We are also buying 1/4 of a pig. I need to see what the weight is on all of this and make a guess about how many meals this will be...I will let you know. We are splitting it all with my friend Angie's family and also planning on doing some cooking together very soon!

Steve grilled chicken and fish for dinner tonight and I made my ever popular deep fried green beans. Little Corey brought us some apples today I cut them and cooked them in some cinnamon and a little sugar. Throw in some sweet potato fries and we had to roll away from the dinner table! Poor Tyler fell asleep right before dinner and woke with a 104 temp!

Our beautiful orb spider on the back porch, Peter, is doing well. We saw him with a large bug, enjoying a meal this morning. This afternoon a bit of his amazingly large web was broken. It will be interesting to see if he rebuilds or moves on now.

Emily has been getting some babysitting jobs in the neighborhood as of late. I have looked and cannot find the Red Cross Supersitters Course in the area. Does anyone know anything about this or where they might be offered? I emailed Red Cross but did not get a response.

Steve got all his paperwork, TB test and fingerprinting done for his new job. It looks like he will start work on Monday! Woo Hoo!

Here's a video Sarah took with her camera a few weeks ago of the bike riders, Amber, Emily and Tyler.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    I remember they offered a course when Carissa was younger so I checked and there it was.

    Looks like this is age specific, so not sure if Emily falls in there. Not "Red Cross" I don't think, but the same basic info.

